Lgrz/homebrew Packaging System For Mac

MacPorts to Homebrew: New Packaging system for Mac OS X I just wanted to post a blog on because, I started loving it already. Homebrew is the new modern package management system for Mac OS X wich beats MacPorts. Homebrew is faster.


Homebrew is a Packaging system for Mac OS X 10.5 and above; heavy optimisations, no redundant packages and a bonus beer theme. Here how you can install Homebrew on your Mac: I prefer installing homebrew in /usr/local directory.

Wgrz/homebrew Packaging System For Mac And Windows

Sudo curl -L sudo tar xz -strip 1 -C /usr/local to avoid using sudo when installing packages, change the owner recursively on /usr/local directory sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local That’s it. Homebrew installed. Now, Let’s install wget using homebrew MacBook: abhinay$ brew install wget Downloading File already downloaded and cached to /Users/abhinay/Library/Caches/Homebrew./configure -disable-debug -prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/wget/1.12 make install /usr/local/Cellar/wget/1.12: 9 files, 784K, built in 37 seconds Really easy!

Lgrz/homebrew Packaging System For Mac Free

Note: If you are facing problem because of MacPorts, try to uninstall it – and Do check out homebrew homepage on github: And one more thing, You should have xcode installed on your Mac – if already don’t have xcode, you can download from here – (Or you can install xcode from your second installation CD of Mac OS X).

23 March 2014 Enabling rpmbuild on Mac OSX When I'm working on a project for deployment, typically I want to create an RPM and see how well my packaging code did when it was putting all the things inside that RPM, and importantly that they are in the right places inside said RPM. I must stress, that I have no intention to actually deploy this RPM - I just want it to make development more convenient (all real deployable binaries are created by a CI system). By default, Mac OSX is not able to build RPM files, which is a bit of a bummer. This can be quickly remedied by using to install rpm and rpmbuild.