Save Powerpoint As Video Mac 2011. Office 365 For Mac
Posted by Katrina Vuong on 29 November 2018 12:10 PM The LabArchives Microsoft Office Plugin allows Mac users to integrate LabArchives with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Once installed, you can select 'Open,' 'Save As,' 'Log in,' or 'Detach' all within Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Quick Links Download an d t he Plugin. Download the program by clicking the triple bar icon, select 'Downloads', and click 'Microsoft Office Plugin.' Open the Plugin Installer file. Select a destination for LabArchives Office Plugin and click “Continue.' Confirm the Installation by clicking 'Install'.
You may need to enter your administrator account information. The installation may take several minutes.
When the installation is complete click “Close.” Login to LabArchives In Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, click 'Login' on the file menu, and enter your login credentials on the 'Authentication' window. Select 'Remember Me' to save your login credentials. If you log in using your institution credentials, see the If you log in using the Australian Server, see the Sav e a file to LabArchives:. To save a new document to LabArchives, click 'Save as' in the file menu.
The 'Save Files' window works like the Notebook Navigator. On the drop-down list, select your notebook and expand folders to view a page. After selecting a page, name your document and click 'Save' When you select 'Save' within Microsoft Office, you will see the message below. Clicking yes, will upload the document to LabArchives. Open a file from LabArchives:. To open a file stored in your notebook, click 'Open' in the LabArchives File menu.
The 'Open Files' window works like the Notebook Navigator. On the drop-down list, select your notebook and expand folders of your notebook to view a page. After selecting a page, you will see any Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents stored on that page. To open a document, select the file and click 'Open.' If you open a file that is stored locally and there is a more recent version saved to LabArchives, you will see a message like the one below.
Detach from LabArchives Documents opened from LabArchives that are also saved on your local drive have a connection to LabArchives. If you do not want the changes to be saved back to LabArchives, click 'Detach' in the file menu. I nstall shortcuts in Word 2016 manually.
Open Word. In the gray Mac toolbar on top of the page, Click 'Tools 'Templates and Add-ins'. Click '+' towards the bottom left corner. The complete file path to the file: Macintosh HD Library Application Support Microsoft Office365 Startup Word LabArchives.dotm. If you can't see the Mac HD on your desktop, this is how you enable that feature. Click onto the desktop. Select the Finder menu at the top left-hand side of the screen and then click Preferences.
The Finder Preferences window will appear, where there will be a list of items to select. Check the ones (hard disks, external disks; CDs, DVS, and iPods; connected services) you want to be visible. Click 'Open'.
You might get a warning message. If so click 'Enable Macros'. Click 'Ok' and the window will close and your back in Word. Click the tab 'File'. You should now see 'LabArchives' in the drop-down menu I nstall shortcuts in Excel 2016 manually.
Open Excel. In the gray Mac toolbar on top of the page, Click 'Tools 'Excel Add-Ins.' .
Click 'Browse.' In the bottom left corner. The complete file path to the file: Macintosh HD Library Application Support Microsoft Office365 Startup Excel LabArchives.xlam. If you can't see the Mac HD on your desktop, this is how you enable that feature. Click onto the desktop. Select the Finder menu at the top left-hand side of the screen and then click Preferences. The Finder Preferences window will appear, where there will be a list of items to select.
Check the ones (hard disks, external disks; CDs, DVS, and iPods; connected services) you want to be visible. Click 'Open'. You might get a warning message. If so click 'Enable Macros'. Click 'Ok' and the window will close and your back in Excel.
Click the tab 'File'. You should now see 'LabArchives' in the drop-down menu I nstall shortcuts in PowerPoint 2016 manually. Open PowerPoint. In the gray Mac toolbar on top of the page, Click 'Tools 'PowerPoint Add-Ins.' .
Save Powerpoint As Video Mac 2011. Office 365 For Mac
Click '+' in the bottom left corner. The complete file path to the file: Macintosh HD Library Application Support Microsoft Office365 Startup PowerPoint LabArchives.ppam. If you can't see the Mac HD on your desktop, this is how you enable that feature. Click onto the desktop.
Select the Finder menu at the top left-hand side of the screen and then click Preferences. The Finder Preferences window will appear, where there will be a list of items to select. Check the ones (hard disks, external disks; CDs, DVS, and iPods; connected services) you want to be visible. Click 'Open'. You might get a warning message. If so click 'Enable Macros'.
Click 'Ok' and the window will close and your back in PowerPoint. Click the tab 'File'. You should now see 'LabArchives' in the drop-down menu How to uninstall the Plug-In for Mac Office 2011. Click Finder Macintosh HD Applications Microsoft Office 2011 Office Startup. Under the Map 'Word', delete the file called 'LabArchives.dotm'. Click Finder Macintosh HD Applications Microsoft Office 2011 Office Startup.
Under the Map 'Excel', delete the file called 'LabArchives.xlam'. Click Finder Macintosh HD Applications Microsoft Office 2011 Office Add-Ins. Delete the file called 'LabArchives.ppam' How to uninstall the Plug-In for Mac Office 2016. Click Finder Macintosh HD Library Application Support Microsoft Office365 Startup. Under each map for Excel, PowerPoint, and Word there is a file.
Under the Excel folder, delete LabArchives. Xlam. Under the PowerPoint folder, delete LabArchives.
Ppam. Under the Word folder, delete LabArchives.
Looking over the entire suite, the most obvious difference with this new version of Office, if you've been used to the 2011 edition, is the new interface design. Even Office 2011 supported Retina displays, but the entire interface in 2016 has been dramatically modernised – it no longer feels dated on a modern Mac system, and the (optional) coloured toolbars help orientate you in the suite. While this will look familiar to Windows users, it's a thoroughly Mac aesthetic. The Ribbon that runs across the top of windows has been slightly reorganised, making it more consistent with Office 2013 on Windows – see the image above for a comparative shot of the Ribbon on Mac, Windows and iPad.
This might mean a bit of relearning for Mac users, but the groupings, such as the new Design tab in Word, do make sense. There's finally support for some now quite longstanding OS-level features, such as multi-touch gestures for zooming, and native full-screen mode. Microsoft's equivalent of iCloud Drive, OneDrive, is now baked in – so you can toggle (a little inelegantly) between the standard OS Open/Save dialogue box and one focused on your cloud documents – and it's through OneDrive online that you can access previous versions of files. OneDrive also helps power collaboration – documents all have a handy share button at the top right – letting you share documents with others for them to view or edit. However, as we observed in our, the collaboration behaviour is inconsistent.
Note, though, that the option in Office 2011 to broadcast a PowerPoint presentation online is gone. Prev Page 2 of 7 Next Prev Page 2 of 7 Next Word. Probably the most welcome new feature in Word, especially for those in corporate environments, is support for threaded comments, so that when you're inviting feedback on a document, conversations about a change can all be held together and thus be easier to parse. You might have seen Microsoft trumpet the new Smart Lookup feature, which pulls definitions and internet search results into a pane in the document, but it's not substantially different to the feature that lived in the floating toolbox in 2011. We were initially hugely disappointed that the useful notebook view from Word – which let you record, say, a meeting or lecture while taking notes, and which time-stamped each line with the audio so you could quickly jump to a part of the recording just by clicking next to the relevant note – is missing in Office 2016, but actually that ability is still there; it's just now in OneNote, not Word.
Prev Page 3 of 7 Next Prev Page 3 of 7 Next Excel. Excel is the most obviously updated app in the suite, with plenty of additions to help buoy its high-end credentials and make it easier for Mac users in an organisation to create, edit and even simply open complex spreadsheets. PivotTable Slicers make it easier to filter the data in spreadsheets so you can pick out important trends or data points, and the optional Analysis Toolpak add-on is there for performing complex engineering or statistical analysis. What's more, the equation editor, formula builder and improved autocomplete make it easier to act on your data, and the recommended charts feature helps make sense of it in sympathetic and sensible ways. However, although cross-platform compatibility and feature parity has been improved, in some advanced and rare cases some functions from Office 2013 for Windows spreadsheets might still not be supported on the Mac, which is annoying. Prev Page 4 of 7 Next Prev Page 4 of 7 Next PowerPoint. The most apparent new change in PowerPoint, other than the refreshed interface, is the inclusion of 23 smart, less comically corporate templates.
What's more, combined with clever variants and colour themes, there are actually many more options – and they hang together well in terms of the visuals. PowerPoint gets threaded comments for document reviewing as well, like Word, and an improved conflict resolution view makes it easier to compare differences between versions. The Presenter View – showing you, say, next and current slides as well as a timer and notes on your laptop screen, while an external display shows just the presentation – is better; if nothing else, the one button to let you quickly switch the displays is a boon. Sharing presentations between Mac and Windows should be smoother too, since Office 2016 for Mac now supports the transitions from Office 2013 on Windows. The option of saving a presentation as a movie is gone, irritatingly, which, in combination with the dropping of the broadcast feature, serves to break some useful ways of sharing presentations with a wider audience.
Publishing via OneDrive, presumably, is Microsoft's answer, though it's not quite the same. Prev Page 5 of 7 Next Prev Page 5 of 7 Next Outlook. Office 2016 for Mac adds some small but useful features to Outlook. Some sound like very minor tweaks indeed, such as the ability to sync Category lists, but they could have a significant positive effect on your productivity. If you use an Exchange server, you can now propose an alternative time when someone invites you to a meeting, and this new version of Outlook supports the and Online Archive features. Indeed, many of these small but welcome improvements to Outlook have been applied to its Calendar module, including the option of viewing calendars side-by-side, and the inclusion of weather forecasts.
Our favourite feature, though, is an option in Preferences to automatically define a different signature for new emails as for replies, something that will help balance 'letting people know your details' with keeping long threads vaguely manageable and bloat-free. Prev Page 6 of 7 Next Prev Page 6 of 7 Next OneNote.
This is the first time the OneNote notebook app has joined the suite on the Mac, although it has been – and is – available standalone for Mac and iOS through their respective app stores, free. If you're already a heavy user of Evernote, say, or are eyeing the beefed-up Notes app that's coming as part of, OneNote is unlikely to sway you – although, of course, since it's free outside Office 2016 you can just try it – but it's definitely a more-than-competent, rich, multimedia-savvy notebook app. And remember that this is where the audio-recording notebook feature – which students and others would likely have relied on in previous versions of Word – now lives.
Are these changes enough to make you want to upgrade, or are they too minor to convert you to an Office 365 customer? Let us know in the comments below! Prev Page 7 of 7 Next Prev Page 7 of 7 Next.