Epa Probit Software For Mac
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'ToxCalc 5.0 has been a very helpful tool for data management and analysis here in our laboratory.by combining all the relevant statistical analyses needed for the vast majority of regulatory programs currently requiring toxicity studies.' 'We use ToxCalc 5.0 to produce customized reports of multiple analyses and graphs as required for each client or regulatory agency. It has made the reporting process neater, faster, easier to understand and more cost effective.' -Chris Nally, President American Aquatic Testing, Inc.
A Cost Effective Solution for the Toxicology Lab ToxCalc v5.0 is a complete statistical package specifically designed for environmental toxicity testing. ToxCalc was developed by Tidepool Scientific Software, the publishers of the new Comprehensive Environmental Toxicity Information System, known as CETIS. Since ToxCalc is a Microsoft速 Excel add-in, it provides you with all the flexibility and utility you expect from the world's most popular spreadsheet.
ToxCalc determines virtually all required toxicity indices using U.S. EPA approved parametric and non-parametric statistical methods.
Epa Probit Software For Mac Pro
ToxCalc incorporates extensive built-in error checking and alerts the user of data entry errors or statistical incompatibility. Entered data can also be checked for accuracy using a system of double entry. The program supports unlimited treatment levels, unlimited replicates, and up to two user specified controls. Custom data entry screens and endpoints;. Flexible package capable of addressing a wide variety of test designs;. Custom templates can be created and stored;. Data visualization aids you in selecting the appropriate statistical methods;.
Automatically chooses the appropriate methods and data transforms;. Random access data management system provides a system to save, organize, manage and retrieve raw and summary data;. Concise and polished summary reports that regulators have come to appreciate;.
Quality control charts from data extracted from the database.