How To Disable The Junk Filter In Mail For Mac

How to disable the junk filter in mail for mac mac

In addition to these written instructions, there are a and that demonstrate how to set up and train SpamSieve with Apple Mail. If you are using macOS 10.14, make sure that SpamSieve has full disk access by going to System Preferences ‣ Security & Privacy ‣ Privacy. This is described in more detail in the section. If you are using macOS 10.13.x or earlier, you can skip this step. Then double-click the SpamSieve application and choose from at the top-left of the screen. Now relaunch Mail.

If you are using macOS 10.14, you will need to click Manage Plug-ins in Mail’s preferences and enable SpamSieve.mailbundle. This is described in more detail in the section. If you are using macOS 10.13.x or earlier, you don’t have to enable the plug-in. You should now see the SpamSieve - Change Settings, SpamSieve - Train as Good, and SpamSieve - Train as Spam items in Mail’s Message menu: If you do not see these commands, please see the section. Choose New Mailbox (or New) from Mail’s Mailbox menu, and create a new mailbox called Spam with location On My Mac. The capitalization is important; do not call the mailbox SPAM or spam.

Note: See the section if you prefer to have your spam accessible from all your devices. If you are using Gmail, see the section.

Choose Preferences from the Mail menu and click the Rules button in the toolbar. Click the Add Rule button.


Change the description to SpamSieve. Note: The description of the rule must start with SpamSieve, but you can add additional text after that, if you want, so long as you don’t use square brackets, which SpamSieve uses those for.

Change the From (or Any Recipient, prior to macOS 10.12) pop-op menu to say Every Message. ( Every Message is near the bottom of the menu.) Then, next to Move Message, select the Spam mailbox that you just created. The rule should now look like: Note: Although the rule looks like it will move every message to the Spam mailbox, because you have installed SpamSieve’s plug-in, it will only move the spam messages. Now click OK to close the rule and save your changes. Mail may ask if you want to apply the rule; click Don’t Apply. (If you were to click Apply now, or in the future when editing a rule, that would filter all of the currently displayed old messages through SpamSieve, and you would be obliged to correct any mistakes.).

Drag the SpamSieve rule to the top of the list so that SpamSieve will be able to filter all of your mail. If you ever need to temporarily disable SpamSieve, e.g. For testing purposes, you can do so simply by unchecking the rule. Make sure that the list shows no other rules for processing spam/junk messages. If you find any, disable them (by unchecking them) or delete them.


Select any messages in the Junk mailbox and press the Delete key. The spam messages will move to the Trash mailbox. (If you do not have a Junk mailbox or you are using macOS 10.9 or later you can skip this step.) Note: You may want to empty your trash before deleting the spam messages. This will prevent them from being mixed with good messages in the trash. Go to the Junk Mail tab of Apple Mail’s Preferences window. If there is a Trust junk mail headers in messages option, uncheck it. Uncheck Enable junk mail filtering.

This will disable its junk mail filter so that it doesn’t interfere with SpamSieve. Now proceed to the section. To train SpamSieve with spam messages, select one or more of them in Mail and then choose SpamSieve - Train as Spam from the Message menu. (There should be spam messages in the Trash from the prior step, which you can use for the training.) The messages will be colored in gray and moved to the Spam mailbox. To train SpamSieve with good messages, select one or more of them and then choose SpamSieve - Train as Good from the Message menu.

Even with Mail’s built-in junk mail filter disabled, Mail may show a Not Junk button of spam messages; you should ignore this, i.e. Always choose SpamSieve - Train as Good rather than clicking the Not Junk button. On macOS 10.14, the first time you try to train a message macOS will ask for Mail and SpamSieve, and you should click OK. The for these commands are Command-Control-S and Command-Control-G. (If you find that the shortcuts are not working, check whether you have another application that’s registered a conflicting global shortcut.) When training multiple batches of messages, you should wait for Mail and SpamSieve to finish processing one batch before training the next.

Note: If it takes more than a second or for the messages to move after you train them, please see the section. SpamSieve will process new mail automatically and move the spam messages to the Spam mailbox. Mail may still color some messages brown and show them in the special Junk mailbox, even though its own junk filter is off;. The Junk mailbox holds spam messages caught by before they got to your Mac. These messages are not processed by SpamSieve, so they are not and should not be trained as spam. It’s also normal for messages in the Spam mailbox to say that you marked them as junk; this is is because SpamSieve told Mail that they were junk on your behalf. It’s fine to have additional rules in Mail for processing your good messages.

Just make sure that they are below the SpamSieve rule. If you ever need to manually ask SpamSieve to sift through a mix of spam and good messages, select the messages and choose Apply Rules from the Message menu.

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SpamSieve will move the ones that it thinks are spam to the Spam mailbox. The above is all you need to know about using SpamSieve with Mail. The section explains some more advanced setup options, such as configuring the “new mail” notification sound.

How To Disable The Junk Filter In Mail For Mac Download

If you need to troubleshoot SpamSieve and Apple Mail, see the section and the section.