Mysql Preference Pane For Mac

Mysql preference pane for mac free

MySQL server is now installed, but it is not loaded (or started) by default. Use either launchctl from the command line, or start MySQL by clicking 'Start' using the MySQL preference pane. For additional information, see,.

Use the MySQL Preference Pane or launchd to configure MySQL to automatically start at bootup. When installing using the package installer, the files are installed into a directory within /usr/local matching the name of the installation version and platform. For example, the installer file mysql-5.7.26- osx10.13-x8664.dmg installs MySQL into /usr/local/mysql-5.7.26-osx10.13-x8664/. The following table shows the layout of the installation directory.

. To start the MySQL server using the preference pane: Click Start MySQL Server. You may be prompted for the username and password of a user with administrator privileges to start the MySQL server. To stop the MySQL server using the preference pane: Click Stop MySQL Server.

Mysql Preference Pane For MacMac preference pane

Mysql Preference Pane For Mac Mac

You may be prompted for the username and password of a user with administrator privileges to stop the MySQL server. To automatically start the MySQL server when the system boots: Check the check box next to Automatically Start MySQL Server on Startup. To disable automatic MySQL server startup when the system boots: Uncheck the check box next to Automatically Start MySQL Server on Startup.

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Open System Preferences On Mac

You can close the System Preferences. Window once you have completed your settings.